Essential to the process of opening our intuition is that we must sink down deep enough below the command center of our consciousness where preferences, hope, and fear cannot sway our translation of what we perceive. We know we have arrived here if we are receiving information with no attachment to what the outcome may portend.
What is incredible—and what has us see the utterly obvious practicality of the golden rule—is that from down here, we see the world as it is: interconnected and mutually influencing.
We see where every connection ever made continues, where the lines of communication cannot be shut down. We see where every thought and feeling are continually transmitted. In fact, the reason we do not tune in here is because it would mean recognizing there is nothing we send out that is not received in these depths.
We always know what’s happening, regardless of what’s happening on the surface. The question is whether or not people will open the line to make it conscious. While many of us might say we want the boons of intuition and knowing—the access to genius
Even more challenging is our willingness to receive the unbearable amount of love that this life is and who that energy calls us to be. For some of us who do see all that is involved with this knowing, we still choose to continue.
For us, this is where the path takes an upward journey; where the work is to take the rational mind that has believed itself to be a benevolent despot, operating with complete dominion, and to put it in its rightful place of service to the interior world of knowing. We use the rational mind to build bridges between the interior and the external world and to invite congruence.
We work to have the rational mind act in service to the collective rational mind by showing it what it is in order to serve the deeper knowing. We find right relationship between all things.
It is not acquiescing to the dictatorship of the rational, nor is it a defiant and irrational ignoring of the rational. It is a profound rearrangement in training the one who has been served to be of service, while the one who has served is asked to direct. If we’re honest, it is a long, slow process of the changing of the guard.
A million false starts will occur as they both find their footing. This trust-building is where we return to each time we slip, by slowing down and listening.
We can even listen for how to develop this interior relationship between our rational mind and intuition. We can rely on the promise, though, that we always know. Our intuition is always there, sensing, responding, guiding. The solution is to stop, slow down, tune in, and listen.