It is radical to discover that, on the other side of the tumescent wall, few—if any—of the problems and fears that can lock up a strokee even exist. When we break through that wall, she will likely experience a freedom she has rarely known.
We are asked to listen to the sensation but not to listen to her discomfort. We need to be incredibly sensitive—but within this sensitivity we must employ the method that will actually end the discomfort, not the method that will only make her more comfortable in her discomfort.
Speed in Orgasmic Meditation shows us two things: how locked down a strokee’s system is, and how much courage a stroker has. We also can see where speed is the result of fear and is the toxic mimic of actual speed. The way to tell if speed is being used well is to notice how open our solar plexus is. Are we breathing? How smooth is our stroke? There should be a flow to the employment of a fast stroke, an effortlessness we ride on.
In fear-driven speed, there is a holding of the breath, a kinking of Erotic power coming from our center. As a result, there is no flow, and the power we need for the stroking finger is cut off. If we tend to be speed-addicted, where the only way we can find activation is through speed, a simple remedy is to note the sensations we feel.
Speed addiction is caused by a fear of fear coupled with a fear of sadness. The antidote to unconscious speed is sensing so we employ our mind in this way, letting it take off and break from the body’s restrictions. We note heat, light, and vibration as well as texture and direction. Also note whether the strokee enters climax with speed.
This is not a sign of an open system, but rather of a locked-down system aiming to expel energy before it can reach the depths of tumescence. If this is the case, keep stroking at climax. It is important to communicate to the mind that it cannot introduce climax as a means of stopping action.
For a good period of time, we will likely be liberating speed from tumescence, either using it to break free of the tumescent barrier or to break free of the way speed compels us to race past sensation. Once speed is liberated, it becomes an unbelievable tool in terms of unconditionality and freedom.
When the mind releases its brakes and has agility, it can move with the speed of a stroke until it becomes one with it. It’s like a car traveling alongside a fast-moving train: when they are moving at the same speed, a sense of stillness occurs. It’s also like riding a horse—the gallop has a hypnotic effect on the thinking brain, and then there is a sense of becoming one with motion.
The gift of speed in Orgasmic Meditation is that it moves faster than the rational mind. Speed can bring us into aspects of consciousness we could otherwise never access since we are typically subject to the rational mind’s endless prohibitions. In the territory of the rational mind, we will never discover who we are or, more importantly, what we are made of.
Employing speed comes with a warning: we must not do it unless we are willing to genuinely take it on. Only we can guarantee we will not abandon ourselves. On one hand, for those interested in entering the Erotic body, speed is the only way to get where we are going.
On the other hand, if we intend on quitting partway through or making excuses for why we need to slow down, speed will occur as a disruption in consciousness. There is a mind that wakes up in speed that can be woken up in no other way. If we are going to break through, we must continue to stroke with speed, with a consciousness employed to connect speed to the sensation that would prevent and absorb the energy of climax.
If we cannot affirm we will go until we break through, the suggestion is firm but honest: Orgasmic Meditation might not be the right practice and we ought not to do it. Only we can guarantee whether or not we will abandon ourselves. If we do choose to OM, we should likely do it as a means of making ourselves more comfortable in our tumescence, and thus should only stick to slow strokes where the rational mind will not be disturbed.
For the advanced practitioner, who is what we call detumesced, there is in fact no place safer than in speed, because there is no other way to activate the sixth-sense awareness in action. For this level of Orgasmic Meditation, incredible speed can feel like sinking into an ancient, slow, eternal knowing. Once this is awakened, there is nowhere we can go that is not pleasurable. Until we do, there is nowhere we can go that is pleasurable.